There has been controversy in the news recently that purchased carbon offsets may not actually accomplish what they claim, so, if your net-zero carbon reduction plan includes any level of ‘off-setting’ then you are at risk of not meeting your goals and continuing to add to the problem. Carbon removal seeks to sequester carbon for the long-term and so provides your organisation with more confidence that your emissions will be negated. This can be accomplished alongside sustainable food production and biodiversity enhancement. With all three of these areas being of significant interest to UK sport, the tour will help to explain the benefits of credible and local solutions for organisations in the industry. This includes assessing the sustainability and quality of food and drink procurement, considering how your organisation can engage in biodiversity projects, as well as learning about the carbon removal process and why this is needed to combat climate change. The tour will also provide you with an opportunity for an interactive experience, demonstrating just how much difference you can make – see, smell, taste, touch and feel the benefits of UK-based green initiatives. Regenerative farming can combat climate change and help with the biodiversity crisis.
This tour provides a rare opportunity to see a regenerative farm in operation and will be led by The Green Farm Collective founders, Michael Kavanagh and Tim Parton and BASIS partners, YourPact. It will take place on Thursday 15th June at Church Farm, just outside Wolverhampton from 11am until 2pm.