BASIS - The British Association for Sustainable Sport


Fundamentals of Sustainability for Sports Organisations

Course Enrolling Now: Starts 7th August 2024.


Mind The Gap

Our Build Back Better consultation identified a knowledge gap on sustainability across sport – a big problem for an international industry valued at more than $500bn facing a global climate emergency. To address this, we have designed a new course to help people in sport understand the issues and steer their organisations to a more sustainable footing.

A Grounding In Sustainability

As a course graduate, you will gain an understanding of environmental, social, economic and political contexts for sustainable development, acquiring frameworks for understanding sustainability and introduce key issues and impacts in the context of sport management.

You will be able to identify and define key issues and opportunities in sustainable development and how sport affects, and is affected by, each of these. You will also have a detailed understanding of actions taken by sport organisations that have taken a lead on sustainability.

You will understand measurement, management and reporting. And you will be able to translate all this knowledge for, and apply it directly to, your own organisation.

The Programme

Sustainability For Sports Organisations will comprise two-hour online sessions each week for six weeks, totalling 12 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Relevant guest speakers will join some sessions. 

Timeline and history – a review of key social, political and environmental events in the development of our understanding of sustainability.

Sustainability issues – significant sustainability issues will be introduced and discussed in both a global context and as they relate to the sports sector.

Current impacts – global impacts of the climate, ecological and waste crises, how sport is being affected by changing conditions now, and in the future, and how sport can respond.

Definitions and frameworks – sustainable development defined and put into different contexts including practical, political and scientific frameworks and their relevance to sport.

Leadership and opportunities – how and why sports have embedded leadership into their operations.

Global to local – how responses can be scaled and made relevant at all levels.

Managing and reporting – what solutions are available? What is the role of international standards and reporting schemes in managing sports events?

Greenwashing – Can sports events ever be truly sustainable? How should sport communicate sustainability performance and what happens when impacts outweigh benefits?


Dr Russell Seymour is BASIS CEO and will lead the course. He has an academic background in ecology, environmental sciences and biodiversity management, and decades of practical experience as British sport’s leading sustainability practitioner – including 11 years as sustainability manager at Lord’s Cricket Ground. He is a visiting lecturer at Loughborough and Greenwich Universities.

The course costs £810 inc VAT, with a discount available for BASIS Members. Log in to see the discount.

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