BASIS - The British Association for Sustainable Sport

Our 4th Awards Judge

We are pleased to announce that the penultimate judge for the 2023 BASIS Sustainable Sport Awards is Arlette Anderson.

Arlette originally qualified as an Environmentalist and has two Post Graduate Diplomas in Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Management & Assessment. A Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment, and a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, she has been advising and supporting organisations to evaluate risks, preserve human capital and protect the environment for future generations. Her approach has been to progress the positive sustainability agenda with a focus on the environment, natural resources, adapting to future climate change and green skills.

Arlette is experienced in both the private and public sectors and joined the golf sector in 2021. She is a Non-Executive Director for the global sustainability professional body IEMA and Chair of their Professional Standards Committee and Fellows Nomination Committee. Across wider sustainability human capital risks, she is a member of the global professional safety body IOSH’s Performance and Development Committee.

With The R&A, Arlette led the Sustainable Golf strategic approach to identify the risks and issues around golf to ensure that it thrives in the future. This approach includes delivering Sustainable Championship Agronomy in preparing courses for Championship events, providing Sustainable Championship Agronomy professional services to clubs worldwide, investing in research and innovation around the significant climatic issues affecting golf, providing sustainable greenkeeping education and Scholarship programme, staging sustainable events including the Open and the Women’s Open, and driving sustainability and CSR improvement opportunities for The R&A.

The nomination period for the 2023 awards ends on 29th September – click below to enter!

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