BASIS - The British Association for Sustainable Sport

Sustainability for Sports Organisations: New BASIS Course

Sustainability for Sports Organisations: New BASIS Course

BASIS is pleased to announce a new online course – Sustainability for Sports Organisations – to be run by Dr Russell Seymour, launched in Autumn 2020.

COVID-19 is a grave crisis, but it does not make urgent issues including climate change, food waste and single-use plastic go away. Throughout the Wednesday Webinar series BASIS hosted through spring and into summer, we heard a surge in interest around sustainability from every part of the UK sporting landscape.

Responding to this interest, BASIS is establishing a new Sustainability for Sports Organisations course to equip the sector to understand sustainability and build back better. Six separate two-hour sessions will introduce the key sustainability issues for sport and demonstrate where sport can make a positive impact.

It will equip you to steer your organisation through the necessary changes to a more sustainable future, meeting legal obligations, rising to the expectations of fans and the public, and boosting the bottom line.

The course will take place on line, with a mix of talks and interactive sessions. Topics covered will include:

· Sustainability issues – what are the major issues for the sports sector?

· Current impacts – how is sport being affected by changing conditions, and how can sport respond?

· Background and context – some key events in the development of our understanding of ‘sustainability’, including legal requirements.

· Definitions and frameworks – practical, political and scientific frameworks for understanding sustainability and their relevance for sport.

· Managing and reporting – what solutions are available to you?

Dr Russell Seymour is BASIS Chief Executive. Russell has an academic background in ecology, environmental sciences and biodiversity management and sixteen years of experience in sports management, eleven of them as sustainability manager at Lord’s Cricket Ground. He is a visiting lecturer at Loughborough University in London (in Sport Leadership) and Greenwich University (in Event Management). Guest speakers will join some sessions.

The usual cost of the course will be £450. However, for the inaugural course will cost £300. This is a one-time discount, so don’t miss out!

For more details about the course or to ask any questions please email us at [email protected].


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